Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I left my heart in San Francisco

San Francisco... ahhh.. what a great city!  I have truly enjoyed my short visit.  I soaked the calming atmosphere in the fragrant bay, and Golden Gate bridge was magnificent!  

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Respecting the heritage

I feel that in our throwaway culture, we as consumers are buying inferior products because we will replace them anyways at some point in the future.  People avoid any type of commitment be it relationships, artwork, or a living room sofa.  This led to proliferation of divorce, moving to a new residence without any particular reason, throwing away old and buying new.

I wonder if this system has produced happiness for people.  Do we really have more because we are able to buy more things manufactured overseas, or would we have more if we rejuvenate and respect what we already have.  I realize this is a philosophical question of sorts, and I have myself struggled with throwing away and buying new.  I am certainly a person who appreciates her environment and beauty, and as such I have trouble hanging on to things that are past their style and era.

However, old classics tend to come back.  Vintage is now popular while for years it was out of vogue.  Many cities are rejuvenating their city centre where properties are starting to be worth more than the suburban mansions.  'New' could be something to embrace, but we don't have to throw away everything to enjoy 'the new'.

I had a necklace that was not put together very fashionably.  As a matter of fact I bought this necklace because it had some beautiful stones on it, and it was handmade, but not made very well.  Years went by and I didn't wear it.  Then one day I decided to call my friend and jewelry designer Tracy Zirbel, and asked her to somehow redesign this necklace into something I could wear and enjoy.

Tracy and I pondered how to disassemble the necklace and make it into something new.  The redesign was requiring an artistic eye, and creating a sense of purpose.  Tracy definitely took the lead, but we had to meet several times before we got the bracelet to fit right, selected the right clasp, and were both completely happy.  I think this is a great example how we can repurpose things we already have without throwing away everything.

Here is the result:

I hope you agree that the result is beautiful.  So, why buy that plastic stuff at mega store when there are beautiful things that can be made by our own hands with materials we already have.  Our Earth has limits and has to serve increasing number of people.  Why strain the Earth?  Let's re purpose and recreate, fall in love again with what we already have.

Tracy and I were not sure what these beautiful stones are, but think it is some kind of rutilated quartz.  I will enjoy this bracelet tremendously.  Thank you Tracy for great work you put into designing this! Thank you Mother Earth for these beautiful stones!